Dream of Magic Mano Velvetas (s. LT JCH Mister Magic Forussi x d. LT CH, LV CH, EST CH, BALT CH Best Butterfly Velvetas) - open class, Exc , CAC, W, BOB
Dream of Magic Mano Velvetas (s. LT JCH Mister Magic Forussi x d. LT CH, LV CH, EST CH, BALT CH Best Butterfly Velvetas) - open class, Exc , CAC, BOB, RFLS Champion (Russian title)
I have good news from Netherlands- Gingery Poppet Mano Velvetas (s. Lamonia's Isidor LT-LV-EST-BALT JCH, LT-LV-BY CH,LT Club CH, W'10 x d.Charming Lady Velvetas) o. C. Rutten (NL) - junior class, Exc, JCAC, BOB !
I want to introduce my phalene famale Dressed in White Mano Velvetas (s. LT JCH Mister Magic Forussi x d. LT CH, LV CH, EST CH, BALT CH Best Butterfly Velvetas) You can see photos of her in the gallery.